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National Energy Authority operates under the authority of the Ministry of the Environment, Energy, and Climate in accordance with laws and regulations pertaining to the National Energy Authority

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New energy market analysis and data publications

New energy market analysis and data publications

25 January 2024
New energy market analysis and data publications

Orkustofnun has since last November published monthly data on electricity production, usage and losses with more accessible details than what has previously been done. The name of the publication is Raforkuvísar, it has both a data file and a presentation with pictures.

The information will be published monthly during winter when electricity usage is highest during the year. Further information on https://orkustofnun.is/upplysingar/talnaefni/raforka (in Icelandic).

New data on geothermal production and usage has also been published on the Orkustofnun website under Information – Numerical data.