About us

National Energy Authority operates under the authority of the Ministry of the Environment, Energy, and Climate in accordance with laws and regulations pertaining to the National Energy Authority

About Us


National Energy Regulatory

Natural Resources

Energy Transition



Roles and Policies

The National Energy Authority (NEA) manages the administration of energy matters, and acquires knowledge about the utilization of energy resources and other natural resources. The organization collects data and maintains a database on the utilization of energy resources, conducts research on their utilization, and contributes to the formulation of long-term energy policy for the nation.

The NEA is a government agency responsible for energy and other natural resource utilization matters. The organisation grants licenses for research and utilization of resources and energy processing, and oversees the management tasks assigned to it by laws, such as resource laws, water laws, electricity laws, laws on the ownership rights of the Icelandic state to seabed resources, and laws on hydrocarbons.

The NEA supervises the implementation of electricity regulations, especially their special provisions, the transmission and distribution of electricity, and special regulations in the field of resource matters.

The NEA manages the operations of the Energy Fund, the geothermal exploration program, and reimbursements related to home heating, and takes care of the hydrogen fuel station and the Energy Center.

The NEA operates under the supervision of the Ministry for the Environment, Energy, and Climate, in accordance with laws and regulations governing its activities. Furthermore, the roles of the institution are defined in other laws.

Equality Plan

Gender Equality Plan of the National Energy Authority (NEA) is based on Act No. 150/2020 on Equal Status and Equal Rights of Women and Men.


The aim is to ensure equal opportunities and comparable rights for all staff, regardless of gender, nationality, status, or roles. Thus, everyone will be evaluated based on individual qualities. This applies to the right to employment, positions, further education, and comparable positions. Moreover, no one shall be subjected to any form of discrimination.

The NEA pursues this objective through the following actions:

  • Ensuring gender equality in decisions related to staff.

  • Enabling both genders to balance work and family life. This is achieved through flexible working hours and by informing employees about parental leave regulations, ensuring they can harmonize their work and personal needs.

  • Organizing events that employees from all genders and age groups can attend, fostering solidarity among the staff.

  • Preventing staff from feeling marginalized and ensuring that no one faces discrimination.

  • Providing training to staff about preventing and responding to harassment, gender-based violence, sexual harassment, and providing guidance on how to handle such situations. Also, refer to the response plan in the NEA's Communication Policy.

  • Ensuring that job advertisements are gender-neutral unless the goal is to balance gender distribution, in which case it is explicitly stated in the advertisement.


    The NEA will, in its job advertisements for open positions within the institution, from now on, draw attention to the institution's objective of gender equality.

    Objective: To balance the gender distribution in the institution's positions.

    Responsibility/personnel: Director General, Human Resources Manager, Gender Equality Representative.

    Action, timing: All job advertisements shall be gender-neutral. Annually, in March, the Gender Equality Representative shall collect information about the gender distribution in the institution's positions. The Gender Equality Representative shall also be granted access to an overview of advertised positions, gender of applicants, and recruitment outcomes.

    Introduction, follow-up: Annually, the Gender Equality Representative presents the gender distribution of the institution's staff and takes feedback from staff about potential improvements and develops action plans if necessary. The Gender Equality Representative presents potential improvements to the Director General.

    Wage Issues

    The NEA will ensure that salaries, working conditions, or benefits are equal for the same or comparable positions. Equal pay refers to the same salaries determined for all genders, and the salary criteria used for determining wages do not include gender-based discrimination.

    Objective: All genders receive the same pay for comparable and equally valuable positions.

    Responsibility/personnel: Director General, Human Resources Manager, Gender Equality Representative.

    Action, timing: Conduct a salary analysis annually in November to assess whether gender-based salary disparities exist. The results shall be communicated to the staff by the end of December annually. Implement an equal pay management system and receive an equal pay certification from certified external evaluators.

    Introduction, follow-up: Annually, the Gender Equality Representative presents the results of equal pay assessment and takes feedback from staff about potential improvements and develops improvement proposals. The Gender Equality Representative presents potential improvements to the Director General.

    Training and Development

    The objective of the NEA is to have the most qualified staff in each field. To achieve this, the institution encourages staff to seek further education and training. The NEA encourages all genders to enhance their knowledge through various means. The institution aims to inform staff about such opportunities and even provide various forms of general education that benefit everyone, such as workplace well-being, general education about employee rights, etc.

    Family Policy

    The NEA has placed great emphasis on ensuring staff's ability to balance work responsibilities in a way that aligns with their family's needs. Staff have flexible working hours, the possibility of part-time work, and the institution is open to more possibilities as the nature of the work and circumstances allow. Women and men are enabled to reduce their working hours temporarily to fulfill family responsibilities, e.g., due to the illness of children or other family members.

    It is assumed that parents of young children take the parental leave to which they are entitled, and fathers are especially encouraged to utilize their parental leave rights. All genders are encouraged to take time off to care for sick children, as per the policy that all staff enjoy the same rights regardless of gender. Additionally, staff should be reminded that each parent has the right to unpaid parental leave until the child reaches the age of 8 according to an agreement with the employer.

    Objective: All genders can harmonize work responsibilities and family life.

    Responsibility/personnel: Director General, Human Resources Manager, Gender Equality Representative.

    Action, timing: Human Resources Manager informs staff about flexible working hours, parental leave, and family leave rights.

    Introduction, follow-up: The Human Resources Manager monitors whether family members are utilizing their rights properly.

    Well-Being in the Workplace

    All staff have the right to be treated with respect and not subjected to gender-based violence, gender-based or sexual harassment, discrimination, or any form of maltreatment. An employee who experiences any form of mistreatment can approach the Human Resources Manager, who will guide them in such matters and provide necessary assistance. The Human Resources Manager shall also monitor and address the situation if indications of mistreatment arise. Other staff are encouraged to report any form of mistreatment towards their colleagues if they witness or hear about it. The Human Resources Manager should accept the information they receive openly.

    Objective: Monitoring whether gender-based violence, gender-based or sexual harassment, discrimination, or any form of maltreatment takes place among staff.

    Responsibility/personnel: Director General, Human Resources Manager, Gender Equality Representative.

    Action, timing: Address reported incidents promptly, as appropriate. Conduct preventive measures annually in March by informing staff about how to respond if they suspect any form of gender-based violence, gender-based or sexual harassment, discrimination, or any form of maltreatment. The presentation should contribute to a positive work environment.

    Introduction, follow-up: Staff consult the Director General about potential general measures for improvement.


    The Gender Equality Plan shall be introduced to the staff of the institution. New staff shall be informed about the content of the plan. The Gender Equality Plan shall be available on the NEA's website.


    The status of gender equality issues within the NEA shall be reviewed, and the Gender Equality Plan shall be revised every three years.

    Objective: Regular review of the Gender Equality Plan.

    Responsibility/personnel: Director General, Human Resources Manager, Gender Equality Representative.

    Action, timing: Completion by the end of October 2023.

    Introduction, follow-up: The Operations and Human Resources Manager monitors when a review is needed.


    The responsibility for gender equality matters of the institution and their progress lies with the Director General, in consultation with the Human Resources Manager and the Gender Equality Representative of the institution.

    Transportation Policy


    The National Energy Authority (NEA) is a leading force in society when it comes to energy transitions in transportation. In this role, the institution is committed to setting a good example and has established the following transportation policy with the aim of reducing the use of fossil fuels and increasing the share of renewable energy sources in transportation.


    Employees who commit to commuting in an environmentally friendly manner to and from work are entitled to transportation support from the institution. Environmentally friendly transportation includes all modes of travel other than commuting to and from work in a private car, such as walking, cycling, or using public transportation.

    Staff members of the NEA should, whenever possible, use public transportation during working hours at the institution's expense and strive to cycle or walk shorter distances unless specific circumstances require otherwise.

    Efforts will be made to reduce unnecessary travel through the use of information technology and increased ride-sharing.

    The NEA ensures good facilities for bicycles for its staff and visitors.

    For employees who consistently use environmentally friendly transportation methods, the institution will cover the cost of rental cars when necessary during working hours, for example, due to illness and/or accidents.

    To facilitate employees' use of environmentally friendly transportation to and from work, the NEA will arrange transportation options for employees during working hours, such as electric bicycles, car-sharing services, rental cars, or leased vehicles.

    When renting vehicles, using car-sharing services, or renting vehicles, the institution shall seek services only from companies that offer vehicles powered by renewable energy sources.

    Employees must always exercise the utmost caution when selecting transportation methods and adhere to laws and general rules governing their use during working hours and travels on behalf of the institution.

    Environmental and Climate Policy


    By the year 2030, the National Energy Authority (NEA) is a model in environmental and climate matters, having reduced greenhouse gas emissions from its operations by 40% compared to 2019. The institution encourages action on climate issues by promoting responsible and informed governance of energy and its impacts. The NEA continues to contribute to national climate goals and actively participates in the fight against climate change.

    By 2030, the NEA will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its operations by a total of 40% compared to 2019. The institution will also fully offset any remaining emissions through the purchase of certified carbon units starting from 2022. Additionally, the institution aims to decrease waste generation by 3% annually.


    The environmental and climate policy takes into account the environmental impacts of the institution's operations, aligning with legal requirements and government policies. The NEA will primarily focus on reducing emissions in its operations related to the following activities:

  • Greenhouse gas emissions from domestic flights by staff members.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions from international flights by staff members.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions from car rental and leased vehicles.

  • Number of staff members with transportation agreements.

  • Electricity and hot water consumption.

  • Waste generation, along with purchasing and plastic and paper use.

  • Furthermore, the NEA will contribute to broader environmental and climate actions through the following measures:

  • Supporting the Energy Fund, which funds projects related to energy transition and climate issues.

  • Collaborating with sister institutions, the scientific community, and other stakeholders on awareness campaigns and climate actions.

  • Providing education on environmental, energy, and climate issues domestically and internationally.

  • Operations

    The institution is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transportation and waste. Direct emissions related to the institution's operations are carbon-neutralized.

    Waste generation is minimized. Efforts are made to reduce paper use and keep plastic use to a minimum. Waste is properly sorted into appropriate categories.

    Efforts are made to increase the number of staff members using environmentally friendly transportation and transportation agreements. Electric vehicles are encouraged for work-related travel. The NEA promotes teleconferencing to reduce air and road travel.

    Information and knowledge about green lifestyles and environmental protection are shared within the institution through events such as sustainability week, cycling to work, and similar activities.

    In procurement, the institution follows the government's sustainable procurement policy. Environmentally certified products and services are preferred.


    In consultation and permit granting, the institution emphasizes sustainable and responsible resource utilization, ensuring environmental protection and minimizing environmental impacts.

    Efforts are made to develop digital management for permitting, supervision, and communication within the institution.

    Policy Making

    The NEA operates in the interest of society and in line with Iceland's energy policy, which is based on sustainable development and the path to carbon neutrality. Its role is to provide clear guidelines on energy matters, foster innovation and informed discussion, and offer expert advice to the government for the well-being of the public.


    When disseminating information and expertise, the institution focuses on methods and approaches that promote effective dialogue with permit holders and regulatory bodies.

    The institution hosts events and releases materials in an environmentally friendly manner, encouraging participants to use environmentally friendly transportation. It emphasizes digital communication for clients and the public. Green accounting is maintained, and key statistics related to green operations are published.


    The NEA devises a three-year action plan to implement the environmental and climate policy.

    The Director General is responsible for the policy, with the institution's environmental team leading its implementation. The policy is reviewed annually, and main and sub-goals are updated based on changes in greenhouse gas emissions between years. The policy is approved by the management, and information about its results is communicated to staff members and on the institution's website.

    The NEA provides annual green accounting reports to the Environment Agency of Iceland and publishes its achievements and action plan on its website.

    Information policy


    The information policy of the National Energy Authority (NEA) is intended to support the implementation of projects in the most efficient manner, where responsibility, precision, transparency, and good communication are guiding principles.


    The delivery of data complies with the provisions of information laws. Requests for data delivery are responded to, and their delivery is considered.

    In the operations of the NEA, a professional and reliable database is maintained on energy matters, utilization of energy resources, water, and minerals.

    Efforts are made to enhance understanding of energy matters and build trust among the general public, experts, media, and authorities.

    Information is presented clearly and comprehensibly, and is made accessible to the public.

    Prompt responses to media inquiries are emphasized, directing such queries to the appropriate managers who provide accurate responses.

    Data collection and information dissemination are conducted efficiently, utilizing automated solutions when possible. Preservation of data, sources, and other information regarding energy matters is organized and secure. Staff are aware of their responsibility for data registration and retention.

    Decisions, permissions, guidelines, application of measures, changes in practices or interpretation of laws and regulations, appeals, and information about new data within the fields of the NEA should be published on the website. New laws and regulations in the field of energy should be especially highlighted.

    An overview of new content on the National Energy Authority's website should be accessible through news or other means.

    The Director General or authorized staff represent the institution externally.