About the National Energy Authority (Orkustofnun)
The National Energy Authority (NEA, Orkustofnun in Icelandic) operates for the benefit of society and in line with Iceland's energy policy. Its role is to create a transparent environment for energy matters, promote innovation and informed discussions, and provide expert advice to the authorities for the well-being of the general public.
The mission of the NEA is to build knowledge in its areas of operation, such as energy production, utilization, and climate issues, practice efficient and transparent governance, as well as independent and rigorous supervision. The NEA emphasizes being visionary, reliable, and efficient.
The NEA operates under the authority of the Ministry of the Environment, Energy, and Climate in accordance with laws and regulations pertaining to it. Additionally, the roles of the institution are stipulated in other laws.
- The NEA manages administrative affairs in energy matters and acquires knowledge about the utilization of energy sources and other geothermal resources.
- It collects data and maintains a database about the utilization of energy sources and other geothermal resources.
- It conducts research on the utilization of energy sources and other geothermal resources and other matters in the field of energy.
- It participates in long-term energy planning for the nation.
- It serves as an advisory body to the government on energy matters and other resource utilization.
- It issues permits for research and utilization of resources and energy production.
- It manages administrative matters delegated to the institution by law, such as resource laws, water laws, electricity laws, laws regarding the ownership of Icelandic state resources in the seabed, and hydrocarbon laws.
- It oversees the implementation of electricity acts, particularly their licensing components, the transmission and distribution of electricity, as well as the aforementioned special laws in the field of resource matters.
- It handles the administration of the Energy Fund, the geothermal exploration initiative, and subsidies for residential heating, as well as overseeing environmentally friendly fuels and Orkusetur (Energy Centre).