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Open call for Nordic maritime transport and energy research

Open call for Nordic maritime transport and energy research

6 December 2023
Open call for Nordic maritime transport and energy research

Transport – especially maritime transport – is considered a hard-to-abate sector. The Nordic countries have a strong presence in the maritime field and hold extensive national maritime research programmes focusing on different national challenges that represent complementary Nordic competencies. Three recently finalised funded research consortia have underlined that the Nordic countries can gain a lot of value from bringing research experts together to discover innovative solutions.  

Consequently, a second call is now open for applications under the Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research Programme. The new programme period will continue to add Nordic value and unleash synergies from working together on the challenges ahead for transitioning maritime transport. 

The deadline for applications is 22 February 2024, and applicants from Sweden, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands are eligible for funding. Consortium partners from other Nordic countries are also welcome to apply, but must bring their own resources and finances to the project. 

Read the full call text and apply here