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National Energy Authority operates under the authority of the Ministry of the Environment, Energy, and Climate in accordance with laws and regulations pertaining to the National Energy Authority

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Application for a wind power permit: Búrfellslundur

Application for a wind power permit: Búrfellslundur

5 February 2024
Application for a wind power permit: Búrfellslundur

The National Energy Authority has received an application for a power generation permit for the construction and operation of a 120 MW wind power plant: Búrfellslundur from the applicant: Landsvirkjun id. 420269-1299.

Further information and documentation regarding the application is available at request by The National Energy Authority. email: os@os.is.

In accordance with Icelandic electricity act no. 65/2003, 4th paragraph, article 34, reviews of the application can be delivered to the National Energy Authority. 

Reviews shall be sent with email to os@os.is  

The final date for sending reviews is 5. March 2024.